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Shannon Taylor2025年2月5日0条评论
Celebrating Taylor Wimpey’s Ongoing Support for Louie’s Trust
As we move into 2025, we are proud and grateful to continue our partnership with Taylor Wimpey North East, our dedicated charity sponsor. Their commitment to Louie’s Trust has made a profound impact on the lives of the children and families we support, and we want to take a moment to celebrate their incredible contributions so far.
Over the past year, Taylor Wimpey North East has gone above and beyond to support our mission. Their team organised collections at their North East head office, gathering essential items like toiletries and snacks for our parent packs, as well as second-hand books and toys for Sunderland Royal Hospital and the Great North Children’s Hospital. These donations have brought comfort and joy to families during some of their most challenging times.
Taylor Wimpey North East also played a key role in our Christmas appeal, collecting toys to ensure children in the hospital and those undergoing ongoing treatment in the community could experience the magic of Christmas. Their generosity didn’t stop there! They also sponsored our annual games night at Prego Sunderland, creating a wonderful opportunity for our volunteers and trustees to come together and celebrate the achievements of the past year. To date, their efforts have raised over £1,500.00 for Louie’s Trust which is simply incredible and we are beyond grateful!
Looking ahead, we are excited to share that Taylor Wimpey has even more planned for 2025. In May, they will host their first-ever Charity Ball in aid of Louie’s Trust, complete with an auction to raise funds and awareness for our cause. Additionally, the Taylor Wimpey Challenge will return after last year’s successful event, which raised £842.02. We can’t wait to see what this year brings! Here's what the staff from Taylor Wimpey had to say.
"As we look ahead to 2025, Taylor Wimpey North East is committed to supporting Louie's Trust. Our team is passionate about positively impacting the lives of the children and families you serve, and we're excited to take on new initiatives and challenges together. Some of our staff have children who have spent time in the hospital, so we know how tough those times can be and how small comforts can make a huge difference. We are also proud of the positive impact our efforts made in 2024 and are excited to see how we can help further in 2025. We admire and appreciate all the incredible work Louie's Trust does and are privileged to be a part of it.”
We are deeply thankful to Taylor Wimpey North East for their unwavering support and dedication to making a difference. Their efforts inspire us, and we hope they inspire others too. If you’d like to get involved and support Louie’s Trust, whether through donations, volunteering, or fundraising, we’d love to hear from you. Together, we can create a brighter future for the children and families who need it most.

Shannon Griffiths2024年1月24日0条评论
2023 年的最后几个月,我和我的合作伙伴踏上了创建路易信托基金的旅程,灵感来自我们的儿子路易 (Louie) 前往大北方儿童医院 (Great North Children's Hospital) 时所经历的令人难以置信的旅程。在医院的最初几天就像旋风一样,我们很快意识到需要照顾路易、维持家庭生活以及以某种方式管理工作承诺是多么困难。我们发现,对于像我们这样的父母来说,他们的可用支持存在明显差距——那些努力应对在医院生孩子的独特挑战的父母。决心做出积极的改变,我们决定将经验转化为行动。
2023 年 10 月,我们推出了网站,揭示了我们改变家庭生活的使命。我们收到的大量支持确实令人惊叹!在短短几天内,我们的社区团结在一起,为我们的事业捐款超过 1,000 英镑——这是一个完全出乎意料且温馨的惊喜。社区的热烈反响促使我们采取行动!有了我们收到的慷慨资金,我们没有浪费任何时间。我们一心一意地为准备迎接圣诞节的家庭传播节日的欢乐。从挑选玩具到收集必需品,我们的使命很明确:为孩子们及其兄弟姐妹制作神奇的平安夜盒子并精心挑选礼物。
反响超出了我们的预期,在游戏之夜期间售出了 40 多张门票,并筹集了 410.41 英镑的善款。这一令人难以置信的成就不仅超出了我们最初的筹款目标,还使我们 2023 年的捐款总额达到了惊人的 4,192.00 英镑!这个成功故事证明了我们的社区、家人和朋友的无限慷慨。他们对我们愿景的信任和坚定不移的支持是我们取得成就的动力。我们永远感谢迄今为止为我们的旅程提供动力的善意和信念。

Shannon Griffiths2024年2月14日0条评论
今年路易信托基金会的目标之一是参加大北跑、桑德兰 10k 和约克郡 3 Peaks 等体育筹款活动。我们计划制作一件 T 恤供志愿者穿着,以提高人们对我们事业的认识并培养团结感。让社区参与我们所做的一切是我们的主要价值观之一。为此,我们发起了儿童绘画比赛,让他们有机会将自己的作品展示在我们的跑步 T 恤背面。 我们已在社交媒体平台上宣布了此次竞赛,并联系了位于 Ryhope 的 Busy Bees(我们的儿子 Louie 就读的托儿所)以及我们目前支持的两家医院:大北方儿童医院和桑德兰皇家医院。比赛向所有年龄段的孩子开放,我们鼓励每个孩子参与并表达他们的创造力。这项活动不仅为家长和孩子们提供了一次有趣的活动,也让年轻的参与者获得了成就感,让他们知道他们的有趣活动可以帮助其他有需要的人。 如何加入: 从下载并打印我们的绘画比赛模板。 使用蜡笔、记号笔或任何其他喜欢的工具发挥创意。 请在 2024 年 3 月 2 日之前提交您的艺术作品,将您的绘画作为评论发布在我们的 Facebook 帖子上,或者,如果您愿意,您可以通过 Facebook...