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Give the Gift of Normality

With your support we can help hundreds of children and families, giving them an invaluable gift of normality.

Donating by bank transfer
We can accept bank transfer donations, large or small! Every contribution is greatly appreciated.

Bank: Virgin Money
Bank Name: Louies Trust
Sort Code: 82-12-08
Account Number: 00118579

If you wish to donate a larger sum, please contact us in advance at hey@louiestrust.org
Can I change or cancel my recurring donation?
Yes, you’re always in control of your recurring donation and can change or cancel it at any time via our third party platform. Upon donating you will receive an email with more details on how to mange your donations.

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Adult & Kids Embroidered Beanie - Louie's Trust
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Przeżyj zimowe przygody dzięki naszej dwuwarstwowej czapce Pom Pom, wykonanej w 100% z miękkiego w dotyku akrylu, zarówno dla dzieci, jak i dorosłych! Zapewnij swoim maluchom i sobie wygodę w dobrym stylu, jednocześnie wspierając naszą sprawę przy każdym zakupie – ponieważ ciepło i hojność idą w parze! 🌈❄️

Przedstawiamy naszą czapkę Pom Pom – niezbędny zimowy must-have zarówno dla dzieci, jak i dorosłych! Wykonana w 100% z miękkiego w dotyku akrylu, ta czapka ma dwuwarstwową dzianinę i elegancki krój z mankietami, zapewniający optymalne ciepło i styl. Zabawny pompon na górze dodaje odrobinę zabawy każdej zimowej przygodzie. Ta czapka z wyrywaną etykietą ułatwiającą rebranding i dumnie wyprodukowana w Wielkiej Brytanii nie tylko zapewnia przytulność Twojemu dziecku lub Tobie, ale także ma wyszywane logo Louie's Trust, które zapewnia spersonalizowany akcent. To wygoda, styl i odrobina dobroczynności dla całej rodziny! 🌨️✨

Buying and wearing our merchandise means more than just adding to your wardrobe, it's a powerful way to promote awareness for the cause you care about. Whether it's a shirt, hat, or a logo tote bag, each item becomes a conversation starter, sparking discussions about Louie's Trust.

All our merchandise comes with a markup that goes straight towards supporting families in need. This markup helps generate significant revenue to further our goals and mission. Every item indicates the profit made, showing the additional donation made with purchases.

We offer discounts for bulk purchases, tailor-made for groups seeking to fundraise or extend their support to the charity. By purchasing our merchandise, you're not only demonstrating your support, but you're also directly contributing funds to our cause.

Buying and wearing our merchandise means more than just adding to your wardrobe, it's a powerful way to promote awareness for the cause you care about. Whether it's a shirt, hat, or a logo tote bag, each item becomes a conversation starter, sparking discussions about Louie's Trust.

All our merchandise comes with a markup that goes straight towards supporting families in need. This markup helps generate significant revenue to further our goals and mission. Every item indicates the profit made, showing the additional donation made with purchases.

We offer discounts for bulk purchases, tailor-made for groups seeking to fundraise or extend their support to the charity. By purchasing our merchandise, you're not only demonstrating your support, but you're also directly contributing funds to our cause.

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